Pinin Rodizo

Mike Daly, Paul Spychala

Pinin Rodizo is a simple turn-based strategy game. My motivation for making the game was to try to make a game as simple as possible that still felt strategic and tactical to the player. There are only 5 types of units with each unit capable of destroying exactly two other types of units (and getting destroyed by the other two). There are no hit points or resources to keep track of.

The game is named after the 5 kinds of units that you can produce: pirates, ninjas robots, dinosaurs, and zombies. Each have slightly different behavior that must be incorporated into your planning. For example, when a zombie kills a pirate or ninja, a new zombie is instantly spawned for your team.

There is a more detailed description on how the game’s mechanics work built into the game menu, but hopefully you can also just figure that out by yourself as you play.

I also wanted to simplify the controls as much as possible – the game plays with a d-pad and 2 buttons only. You can use keyboard or 360 controller, but I feel that the concept could also lend itself well to the mouse or touch interfaces.

Since this was the first phase of development, there is no AI, so you’ll either need a buddy or a really short term memory to play the game. Additionally, we haven’t played or balanced any of the maps; so you may just want to stick with ‘Battlefield’.
