For the People

by Jody
Apr 10, 2005

I was just looking at our web traffic stats the other day and thought to myself, "Wow, despite our severe lack of content, we sure have been getting a steady flow of visits over the past few months." Actually, I had written the complete opposite, but decided to check my facts… Good thing!

To be honest, the saviour of this website is our visitors. If it wasn’t for you guys reading the message board, which you check more often than you do the front page, our site would slowly die. We’re afraid that it’s doing that anyway. However, we will keep the site up indefinetly, if for no other reason than to stay in touch and plan get-togethers. The truth is, Willow and I have come to the realization that time doesn’t come cheap, and that’s what it takes to keep a website full of new content. We’re not going to completely stop doing things we used to, but obviously we’ve slacked off a lot. I think what we need is a way for you guys to contribute to the site where we have failed. Fortunately, my admin tool will require minimal work for you guys to use, and it’s pretty straightforward to use. If anyone would be the slightest bit interested in contributing in either of these areas, please email me with your name and the site name you want (doesn’t have to follow the "W" scheme) I’ll set up an account ASAP. I’ll even trust you to avoid playing with things that are broken or off limits (like the Gallery, Message Board, and News) until I get some "security" worked in. The good news is, your contributions will immediately be seen, unlike the Movie Exchange (sorry guys) failure. We’d love to see all kinds of content in the form of our usual game reviews, movie bashing, and general rants, but don’t limit yourself to just that. Anything you want is game. If we don’t have a category for it, I’ll make one. Thanks for staying with us guys. It means a lot to see all those hours put to good use. Oh, if you’re interested in any stat tracking, see our webalizer page. If Drew happens to read this, maybe he can check out why my webalizer cron job isn’t working. ;)