did you miss me?

by Wesley
Jun 19, 2005

Wow, how long has it been?! do you even remember a time when i once graced this sacred site with my splattered feces freshly flung from my hands?! well, i have very sad news. this sad news is not the fact that i have not flung my dung in the monkey household since march, but it is in fact the fact that nobody told you that i no longer in fact fling ANYTHING in the monkey household since march. why?! well thats a very good question, i’m so glad you asked. get yourself a cup of tea dear reader, single, solitary reader, and prepare for the tale i am about to tell. i moved. the end. what?! what!!?! come on! that was a tale of epic proportion!

ok, so what do you want from me, huh?! come on! i’m a busy guy! can you really expect me to drop whatever useless, waste of time activity i’m partaking of just so i can provide a useless, waste of time post for you to read?! wellllll, okay. but just this once. so actually, i do have some news. no really, this is serious! i am building a house. now, i know what you’re probably thinking, "well, duh dumbass, you work for a construction company!" but i mean i’m building a house FOR ME!!! yes, way out in the boonies i am constructing a 1400 sq. foot home out of fallen treelimbs, bark, and twine. you can come visit anytime! party at my place! so thats it for officail announcements. now back to your usual useless programming. now, i’m not really "in" with whats going on on the internet these days, so you may already be familiar with this (in fact, i might have linked it long ago and just can’t remember) but if you have never seen Red v.s. Blue then you should definatly check them out. but you should start at the beginning cause other wise it won’t really make sense. and now that you have your useless link of the day i’m out. see you again in a few months when i might once again fling excrement for your enjoyment!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA