A Week Without Willow

by Jody
Jul 30, 2005

Willow left yesterday afternoon for a week in L.A. I’m already lonely. The cat helps, but it’s really quiet around here. I think once the work week starts the time will go by fast enough. I already have most of the beginning of the week planned out.

I always thought that after I finished with college that I’d have more time. I guess I do, but it quickly gets filled up. I think a lot of my free time that is now missing is the wee hours of the morning when I could stay up late and work on the website or play games or drink beer. I’m usually in the bed between 11 and 12 now. That gives me at the maximum six hours a day to get other stuff done, including cooking, eating, and cleaning dinner, showering, and occasionally excersizing. To be honest I think we should work M – Th and have three day weekends ALL the time. I have started to make a Dueling Monkeys skin for mambo, that thing I mentioned earlier that will supposedly make this site easier to manage. It is going slow, but you can check up on it’s progress here. It’s in bad shape at the moment, but it’s coming around. Alright, I will spend no more of my free time typing here. I have work to do! In the meantime, check out today’s random Word of the Day. HA!