Season's greetings

by Mike Daly
Dec 26, 2005

Hey y’all! (sorry, just got back from the mountains)

Well, the month of December is about spent, and we still don’t have any snow to show for it. What we all SHOULD have instead is a big pile of loot from christmas. I know I got away pretty nicely with a new gas grill from my parents and a Sony PSP from my employers. To tell you the truth, I don’t have much interesting to post, but I figured I would update anyway for 2 main reasons: 1) most interesting sites on the net don’t update during the holidays, so I’m feeling webcomic withdrawl, and 2) people seem to have more time to waste on the internet during the holiday break. These two factors lead me to believe that it is now an ideal time to post an update despite the fact that it (as usual) is going to be completely devoid of purpose. Let’s make with the linkey! I got two interesting new links just today that I feel obligated to share with the world. Contestant number one is a flash game entitled Megaman vs. Ghosts ’n Goblins. Some good nostalgic fun to be had there. Contestant number two is a flash movie: Ryu vs. Scorpion. I know the idea of doing a flash pitting mismatched fighters together has been done over and over, but this one, at least, is really good animation. For this one, you may want to choose scenes and skip the first bit, it’s kind of dumb. Now that you have those to keep you busy for a few minutes, feel free to move on to the rest of the internet as what I’m going to say next is probably not relevant to any of you at all. Dude! Xbox Live on the 360 rocks! I’ve bought 2 live arcade games so far and am immensely enjoying them both (for $10 each, they are already a better investment than most of the rest of my library). I managed to complete Adventure and Tally mode for Mutant storm (I’m ranked about 200 for tally mode), and finally got around to finishing Perfect Dark. I suspect that I’ll start playing PD on Live a little bit more often soon. Why don’t you guys have 360s yet!? Get you some Xbox Live, yo! Check this out:

Willow Monkey