Thanks pal, just rub it in a little more

by Jody
Dec 16, 2002

While Willow is playing with rubber duckies in his ocean of relaxation and un-responsibility (i made that word up, i think), I’m still trying to finish up some tedious work for a class I hate more than any other (except for chemistry) and more importantly, working like I’ve never had to work before. I work at a shipping company whose name I’ll not reveal for now. It has destroyed what little nightlife I had, and is on the brink of making me hate Christmas forever. Imagine a major shipping company in mid December… Now imagine a crappy supervisor, underpayed employees, and tons and tons of boxes from companies as big as the shipper, not to mention people sending gifts to their friends and families. Maybe I’m just whining too much, but my job really sucks. If you think you have an opening at your company, email me. Thanks