Trials and Tribulations

by Mike Daly
Jan 28, 2003

I got home today at 6:45 pm. I am supposed to get off of work at 5:00 pm. In case you didn’t notice, there is a slight descrepancy here. Suprisingly enough, only about 77% of this tardyness is due to the CAT bus.

While I was at work, I was asked to stay after to help because the night shift employees were almost all in a meeting. I did thid thinking that I would get off in time to catch the 5:25 CAT bus, but as fate had it, I was released almost exactly at 5:25. Knowing that I had to get my stuff out of the office, I figured that I didn’t want to rely on the CAT bus being late, so I might as well take my time and get a chance to chat with my coworkers. I head over to the bus stop at 5:45 because the next bus stop was scheduled for 5:55 and I didn’t want to miss it. It was raining, by the way. So I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited. I’m not sure if the bus ever came and the next one was a couple minutes early or if the bus was actually 25 minutes late. Either way, I was very frustrated. After a slow drive through traffic, and a short walk through the rain to get to my house, I finally had arrived home. At 6:45, in case you’ve forgotten. I was supposed to get off of work at 5:00. I just felt like sharing that with you guys, but now it has made me grumpy. Piss off.