A is for apple, B is for bird, D is for stupid

by Mike Daly
Feb 24, 2003

Probably the only thing that I learned from chemistry is that some things don’t mix well. Over the course of my life I have, in fact, encountered things with just this relationship. Oil and water, girls and video games, salt & vinegar and chips, etc. Now I have another thing to add to the list: homework and webcomics. It is my theory that if one exists than the other does not. Which one exists is a function of who you are. There are two cases here. First case: you are someone who intends on finishing college, in this case you will deny the existence of webcomics until your homework ceases to exist. Second case: you are me, as long as there is an unread webcomic, no homework can be done.

I don’t think it displays a time of posting here, but I’ll go ahead and tell you that it’s 4:27 here. Why is it that EVERY time I’ve been assigned homework this semester, I’ve pulled an all-nighter the night before it was due? In addition to this, I didn’t even do homework during the all-nighters, I just PROCRASTINATED from doing homework. Finally, at about one hour before I have to leave (two hours before class, thanks CAT), I start and don’t finish and fail. TEH END.