Contratulations! And welcome to Stupid Inc.

by Mike Daly
Feb 26, 2003

I am an idiot. This is undeniable. If any of you are not thoroughly convinced of that by now, let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, there was this guy, his name might have been Willow, but it also might have been Mike. After a semester of grueling work and misery, he decided to reward himself with a semester of ease, hobbies and relaxation. During this semester, he stops doing homework. Apparently he forgets how it is done. Each and every time a homework assignment is due, he stays up the entire night before busily NOT doing it. Then he FAILS OUT OF COLLEGE! TEH END Let me relate to you my sleeping schedule: Monday night: no sleep (procrastinating from imaginary homework) Tuesday night: 5 am – 10 am (I have no idea why I stayed up that late, it was a little fuzzy.) Wednesday night (now): no sleep (I actually have a real homework due tommorow, but I haven’t started yet) Thursday night: Don’t know yet, but as I have an Operating systems program due friday, it’s not looking good. Friday night: most likely no sleep. I feel that sleeping on Friday is almost as bad as waking up on Sunday. For your information: current time: 6:45 am