Asphault is black, BLACK!

by Mike Daly
Apr 6, 2003

Well, Filming of "The Crash" took place yesterday, and I am proud to announce it was a dismal failure. Everything seemed to be working out fine. We succesfully filmed our driving and crash scenes. But when we imported our movie onto the video editing device (aka Wayne’s computer), the results were a little dissapointing. By a little dissapointed, I really mean extremely frustrating. All of our shots are just one big white blur. We were filming asphalt for god’s sake! Asphalt is black! Why is our film white?! hold on

WILLOW HAS FORGOTTEN HOW TO USE A COMPUTER! Also he won’t think for one second how something can be loaded from a database that didn’t get saved to the database first. Come on smart guy, you’re destined for back-home-ville this summer if you can’t think to hit the "show more rows" button! Now demonstrate your excellent computer skills and clean this up. – Wayne.