This is a call to all you H4X0R5

by Mike Daly
Apr 22, 2003

Some nice internet-savy person decided to use our server to launch some sort of cyber-warfare-thingy (I don’t know the details), and as a result, our server was down and had to get a new OS. Fortunately, all of our content survived, but there are still a few residual effects.

One thing that I noticed (that bothered me the most) was that prior to the attack, my e-mail account was full, and rejecting all incoming mail without telling me. So, this was slightly frustrating. But you can all e-mail me now, I assure you I will recieve it. Uh oh, I have to do work now. I’ll finish this post later. Ok, I’m back. I don’t remember what this post was originally supposed to be about, but I have something new to complain about now. I get off of work at 5. I got home today at 6:37. Thanks a lot, CAT bus. I won’t rant, for we have already done that extensively. Let’s just leave it at the observation that I am not a happy camper. Oh yeah, and there are two new game reviews up.