
by Mike Daly
May 29, 2003

Last night, Wayned said he’d make the post for today because he had pertinent things to talk about and I didn’t. As it turns out, he didn’t. I am begining to suspect that him telling me that he would post would make me forget about it, so that I wouldn’t post useless garble. Well, Wayne, consider yourself foiled!

Now to catch people up with all manner of random uninteresting news. I have been playing with Illustrator recently. It’s a much more difficult beast to tackle than photoshop, but I’m starting to get ahold of it. I have a picture to post, but I can’t do that from here because I’m at work. Hopefully I’ll remember to update and add it when I get home. I’m designing 3 characters for a student organization I’m helping found, I’ll post the pictures once I have them fully Illustratored for any comments and critisizm. Other than that, I’m leaving once again for the weekend. This time to Virginia Beach. I won’t be back until later Monday, so I’ll miss a post. I’m sure you can cope. (Update!) I just wrote a game review for the infamous Metal Gear Solid 2. Check it out, yo! Ciao