I hate computers

by Mike Daly
Jul 22, 2003

I really do. You wouldn’t believe how much computer crap I’ve had to go through in the past 24 hours, everything I try to do hits a wall due to a computer malfunction be it game design, training movies, or fixing critical computer malfunctions.

I don’t suppose that really has any relevance to anyone, I just thought I would let you know. Maybe I should write a rant on the crappiness of computers soon. The real relevance of this update however is to serve two purposes: First, to point out that I have added a new picture gallery entitled Humor. Why don’t you all take a look, there is some funny stuff there. Secondly, and mainly, I’d like everyone to wish Wayne a happy 21st birthday! Our little fellow has finally come of age, and you should all join his celebration. It will be at, uh … I don’t know. I’m not going, so it doesn’t really matter to me, why would I care? But everyone else should go. BYE!