The Inevitable Return of the Great White Dope

by Wesley
Aug 13, 2003

I am Wesley Monkey, and this is my first post (applause_). I am also a student at NCSU along with Willow and Wayne (applause_) and WE LIVE TOGETHER (a lone cricket chirps_). I have finally returned from my world travels (quiet reverence_) and will be sharing my worldly wisdom (read: useless drivel) with you weeknights at 10!!! (wild applause). not only that my little monkey fans, but i can cook too! (silent awe, followed by ecstatic applause and cheers).

as i have only just returned, i have not been formally added to the site yet, and anything you read about me is misinformed misinformation. as soon as i get around to it, my information will be updated and i will officially be part of the site. thank you for you attention, you may now return to your regular programming. (frenzied applause and cheers on the scale of which has never been experienced by any in the world. pants are wetted, hair is rent, there is much swooning).