There's a reason you have to be 21 to drink...

by Jody
Sep 21, 2003

It’s because you can’t afford to go out until you’re at least 23, so they only give you 2 years to go into serious debt.

This weekend was the big celebration of Wastrel and Willow’s 21st birthdays. First we went to Rum Runners (and paid a $5 cover I might add) to hang out with old people. It wasn’t a total loss, but I think I’ll wait a decade before making it a frequent visit. Then we headed to Pantana Bob’s, but the line was 50 people long, it was already crowded inside, and it was getting late. So, we walked across the street to East Village, a much younger crowd than downtown. And much cheaper I might add; I can’t afford to pay $5 to get in and then $3.50 for a beer. Anyway, I won’t spill all the beans because Wastrel might want to have a little dignity, but I will post this picture out of the few we took. And of course, following two movies. Sorry for the huge file size, crappy quality, no sound; and most of all Quicktime, but what can you expect from a camera made for snapshots, not video. Here is Wastrel attempting to drink a flaming shot (the flame is blue, so it’s hard to see, but I’m sure you can tell how hot it is from his reaction). This second video shows the color of the flame to let you know how hot it was. I think this stuff is more potent than gasoline. That’s all for tonight, I have to get a decent night of sleep to get rid of this cold. No time for sleep the rest of the week because I have 3 tests, a presentation due next Monday, and tons of work since Isabel messed up the power Thursday night (I was at work 5 long hours Friday night, it sucked). Maybe Wastrel can post the recipe for his yummy pasta dish we had tonight. I’ll make him put it up for Wednesday.