Scary Monkeys

by Jody
Oct 12, 2003

Boo! It’s Halloween! I had this grand idea of putting the website in style and changed all the blue to orange. Yes, I know that’s a horrible drawing up there in the top left corner, but if enough of you vote it out, I’m sure Willow would take the time to make some half decent looking ones (I made the ugly one).

I think we’ll be doing this on a regular basis for major holidays. I’ll spend more time on making Christmas’ theme look better. I’ll even throw in a manora and a black Santa to celebrate diversity. Or not. Anyway, that’s all for now because my fall break was anything but a break. I made the website change colors and that should be enough for all of you. If not, then I politely request for all of you to kiss my behind. Thank you and goodnight.