I'm the only one

by Jody
Nov 11, 2003

who does any real updating around here. I sat down, at 2 am, to make another useless update like our boy Willow, but then thought: "No, I won’t do it. I’m sure there’s something I’ve cooked recently, or maybe I’ve had a bad day, or I drew a picture while I was bored."

Sure enough, I found some way to update the webpage with meaning. Also, I have two important news announcements. 1) The site will once again be down because we are moving it to a new server. This will be the last time for a while. Someone has so graciously offered us free space and bandwidth, so we’re going to take it. 2) For those of you who want to go on this cruise in March, I’m about to sign up for vacation time at work, so as soon as I get my spot reserved I’m going to be making reservations. Where do you guys want to go? I’ve been to the Bahamas twice but wouldn’t be against going again. The caribbean sounds nice, and some of those swing by Mexico for a day if you’re interested. Somebody make a thread in the message board and everyone reply with your suggestions, requests, links to good deals, etc. I may end up contacting a travel agent to see if they can help. The cruise industry is hurting right now so we should be able to get some good deals. Also, who’s going? The cost could run anywhere from $500 to $1000 including airfare, the cruise (meals included, but not drinks, not even a coke. tea is free though), and island expenditures. But obviously you could spend a lot more than that if you were so inclined. Let me know.