Looks like somebody has a case of the mondays.

by Mike Daly
Nov 16, 2003

Hi guys. So I stayed up all night last night. This time I was supposed to be reading an article about magical realism. Normally, I don’t read any assignments, so why I chose to try to read this one is beyond my comprehension. To baffle things more, it was a long, boring article that I couldn’t make sense of anyway. I guess you could say that the real reason I stayed up was so that I could read webcomics.

And that brings me to my next point: you all should do yourselves a favor and check out Mac Hall if you haven’t already. Like many mediocre to poor webcomics, it tells the story of some dissafected college students who want to make webcomics and have an obsession with video games. Unlike the aforementioned crap webcomics, this one does it very well with a nice graphical style, a decent sense of humor, and making very relevant points to my own life. I may catch some flak for this next one, but I really love this other webcomic I found entitled The 10K Commotion. It’s a little weird because it deals entirely with Dance Dance Revolution, which I’m not so sure all of you are familiar with, and it deals with it to a level of fanatasism that I’m sure none of you are familiar with. Right, while I was busy burning the buns in the toaster oven last night, Wayne was busy grilling up some burgers, and more importantly, making some Homemade Fries. These were awesome, I can’t believe we hadn’t tried them before. They are easy to make, too, if it weren’t for the life-threatening jumping oil beans. That didn’t make any sense. Right, so I guess that’s all I have to say for now. Bye-bye.