Finally, a short break

by Jody
Nov 23, 2003

After a week of crappyness, I think that this next week will be a well deserved break from the usual. No tests, only 2 days of class, only 3 days of work, I’m liking the looks of my schedule.

This weekend I bought Dave Matthews Band’s Central Park Concert DVD. It’s great; if you like DMB at all, you’ll enjoy this. It’s in PCM Stereo and Dolby 5.1. Only downside is that it’s DVD only and doesn’t really provide an easy way to listen to it in your car or stereo, but I’m working on that. On the agenda for Christmas break is the completion of the DM Movie Exchange which will also include a Games list (per request of Mr. Muffin) and will be programmed with a fully customizable interface using the Smarty Template Engine for PHP. You’ll have to at least read the crash course they provide to be able to customize the way your site looks. But don’t worry, I’ll obviously have a default layout similar to the current one and a very generic template to help get you started. I’m not too sure on how easy I can make it to customize yet as I have not yet even begun to learn to use Smarty. If you are bored or just want to play around with it some, visit the above site and see about making your own layout for the site. It would help me get motivated to do it if I knew someone was going to use it. Either way I’m probably going to do it because I want to. Eventually (maybe over the break) I’ll do this site too, so we can change it for whatever reason easily. Tommorow (read:today) I’m going to call about the cruise and get things rolling. I’ll post in this thread as soon as I get some information. Alright folks, I think I did a pretty good job of decieving you into thinking this update was good by filling it with lots of words and links, but if not, oh well!