Closed for the holidays

by Mike Daly
Dec 19, 2003

In case you didn’t notice, our terribly informative and relevant updates have been kind of scarce lately. There is a perfectly good explanation for this. Finals. Preparing for finals, taking finals, stressing about the rest of the finals, taking more finals, celebrating completing finals, etc.

After the post-final celebration, I basically just played a lot of video games. In my vegitative state, I just didn’t think to update the page, nor did I bother with hastling anybody else to update it for me. That explains it for the past few weeks. Now to explain why we probably won’t be doing it for a while again. Dueling Monkeys will be temporarily in hibernation for the holidays. Fear not, we will be back come January, but we’ll probably be too busy playing with christmas toys to have any real content with us. Either way, expect hijinx and hilarity. I suppose that so this whole post isn’t a complete waste of your time, I will post a funny video courtesy of master Morimoto: Mario Brothers 3 TIME ATTACK!