
by Mike Daly
Jan 18, 2004

If any of you are unfamiliar with the band Radiohead, do yourself a favor and get familiar with it. They are excellent.

I’m not in much of a writing mood right now. I’m just kind of relaxed and spaced out (thanks to Radiohead), which is not really conducive to the strenuous mental labor such as using the english language in new and interesting ways. For that, I’ll just post my content and move on with my mellow. As you may recall, I got a tablet for christmas. I have been playing with it, and came up with a new piece of art. I present the soldier monk. I did this completely on the computer, no sketching and scanning involved, which was nice. There are a couple of things that bother me about this one, but by the time I realized them, it was really too late (and I was too lazy) to fix them. Oh well, overall I consider it a success. Finally, I put up a picture that I worked on a very long time ago, but never put up. I actually didn’t draw this one, it was done by one of my very talented friends, Michael McCoy. He drew the raw lineart, and I colored the image in photoshop. Here you go: Mike McCoy’s guy. Excellent. Time to return to the mellow.