it falls to me

by Wesley
Feb 25, 2004

once again i am left with the awsome responsibility of updating our wonderfully useless website. i’ve been informed that it is my DUTY to bring you new content every update (and by you i mean the whole 2 people who visit our site regularly). so here it is, The Samurai. Personally, i think willow did an excellent job with the coloring of this one.

so now that you have some new content, i am now free to blabber on about whatever i want. and what i want right now is to tell you a few things that irritate me:

1. when you step in water with your socks on. like when someone takes a shower and then you go in to brush your teeth and your socks get wet.
2. annoying ringtones on cell phones. it should be a rule that everyone has to have cool ringtones. good taste should be mandatory.
3. people who wear those cheap foam and net hats with the super flat brims. YOU LOOK RETARDED.
4. any hanna-barbara cartoon. esp. scooby doo. (you may think they are cool, but that is because you are an idiot)

you disagree? have something to add? why don’t you tell me about it in your two cents (i may regret this later).

whew, that was hard work. but hopefully i won’t get griped at by Willow. peace out ya’ll, and don’t work too hard (you’ll make me look bad).