I need a vacation

by Wesley
Mar 3, 2004

well my friends (and whoever else visits here), its time for a break. a spring break. although it’d be nice to be going on a cruise with Willow and Wayne, i’m heading back to the mountains for the week. Wastrel is planning to go skiing, despite the warm weather. so the monkey house will be empty… but never fear, much to your joy (or dismay) we shall return! Willow and Wayne with tans, myself with money (i’ll be slaving working), and Wastrel with… um, whatever.

so in the meantime, we shouldn’t want to leave you wanting of mindless entertainment, and therefore leave to you strongbad! "now, Wesley," you might say, "we have already seen strongbad. many times." and to that i say, ah-HA! while that may be so, my treasured readers, have you memorized them all yet? yesh, i thought not. now GET TO WORK!!! …you bums. NI!!