At last, It has come to this

by Mike Daly
Mar 28, 2004

I always hate finding old derelict websites where the administrators made the last post to the tune of ‘I don’t have time to pay attention to the site right now, so I’ll start updating again in a month’, a post which was made sometime back in the 20th century.

Although I certainly hope that doesn’t happen here, I am sad to say that I’m probably not going to be updating regularly until the end of the year. For those who don’t already know, I am scheduled to graduate in May. Before then, I must complete my senior design project, and my undergraduate research. Both of which are tasks of unimaginable size. To top that off, I need to search for jobs and manage the Game Developers Club. I am in the final sprint of college, and the truth is that I do not have the time for my hobbies. Even if I do take a few minutes to write an update, it will just be a stupid little blurb (much like the one you are reading now), without any real content. It will be interesting to see if the site gets regular updates considering that there are 3 other guys in my house who are supposedly members of the crew. I think that it is unlikely. (hear that Wayne/Wesley/Wastrel? That’s a challenge!) Right, sorry for that depressing-ness. Here’s your completely unrelated link.