Good broken promises?

by Mike Daly
Apr 14, 2004

Early on in the life of this little webpage endevour, I kept promising that I’d do things (like post pictures of stuff like spring break, oops) then not doing them. The fact that I’d never followed through on my word bothered me, so I decided to stop promising to do anything at all.

I recently said that I wouldn’t be able to update the webpage regularly, but, ironically, it turns out that this was just another promise that I would never make good on. Despite the fact that I have as much pressure on me as a uranium core during detonation, I keep making updates, as useless as they may be. I think part of this is that when one is doing work for long periods of time (as I have been doing every day for quite a while), one needs to take a break and relax their brain in order to continue doing work. Writing stupid things to imaginary people on the internet is a pretty good stress reliever for me, so that’s why I keep doing it. So today I am proud to announce that my portfolio webpage is finally up! Thanks largely to Waynes help and my bad-ass photoshop skills, the thing is functioning and looking pretty smooth. You can check it out at As usual, comments are greatly appreciated. If you have anything you’d like to say, spit it out on the messageboard. I’m particularly happy with the ‘portfoio’ section, make sure to chech that out. By the way, my meaningless posts will be much easier to write in the future thanks to new technology like this.