I can do it too

by Jody
Apr 27, 2004

Thats right folks, I too can pull the occasional all nighter in the name of education. I have had about 10 hours of sleep in the past two days, and will soon reach my twenty-fourth hour of awakeness. Sure, its no comparison to Willow’s 65 hour marathon, but I don’t have ridilin.

For the past seven hours I have hardly let my pencil rest. I’ve been drawing sketches and detailed drawings of a Super Nintendo game cartridge. I also made a complete assebly of the cartridge in SolidWorks. I’ll post a picture of it sometime later when I can think straight. In the meantime, be prepared for more useless updates as next week is exams for all of us and quite frankly, we don’t care. Oh crap I just remembered I need to burn the SolidWorks files to cd. BYE!