Keeping Promises

by Wastrel
Jun 25, 2004

So although maybe in a time frame aspect they are broken, promises made by some monkeys will always be fulfilled. And as it was duelly pointed out to me, I had mentioned you would have a content filled summer. So…. without further adeu…. no more stalling… I know you’ve been waiting for it…. by the way so how was your day?… I’m awfully tired and am thinking of taking a nap (fulfilling my name’s definition).

Ok ok I’m just kidding here you go, some content. I finally finished the comic, that which I started and drew by hand in my software engineering class throughout the semester, to the reflection on a modern classic ‘A Knight’s -Suck-Tale.’ Rereading the article I feel it was not really a good review and doesn’t convince those readers that may have unfortunately enjoyed the movie as to why it lacks any value. But I’m too lazy to really rewrite it, so just consider it a crappy rant, that does not really express my sentiments exactly nor clearly. But does my writing ever?? I thought not!… so enjoy the ‘rant’ and where’s my cookie?!