More content more!

by Wastrel
Jul 21, 2004

Although I’ve posted up several pictures, I’m in no mood to write some creative story that will incorporate each and every picture seeing that there are twenty in the gallery. So therefore I leave you this link to the gallery itself. They are pictures from memorial day weekend. More pictures from our fantabulous 80’s party shall be on their way shortly.

Also I’ve fixed the typo in the comic I posted awhile back. In case you want the link to that here it is again. I’ve been composing some pieces of music over the past month, with only the first one actually finished, but I’m not up to posting anything just yet. We’re thinking of adding a music section and then maybe Willow and I shall post some stuff there. Until then you’ll just have to listen to the background music in our animations for the pieces (or parts of pieces). Speaking of which, come august we shall unveil our newest addition to the duelingmonkeys website: Duelingmonkeys Theatre where with no regularity promised we shall post animations. So that’s enough from me… find me a job!! -peace