Well hello there

by Jody
Aug 6, 2004

Haven’t heard from me in a while, have you? There are several reasons. Number one: others have had more meaningful and interesting posts, so I yield my updating throneage to those. Number two: I have been on vacation this past week, so I didn’t even read the loads of message board posts by the n00b. Number three: I have been busy busy busy on the new admin tool, which I am using right now to type this update (I hope it works!).

My vacation was nice and relaxing. We survived Hurricane Alex, although it was not even considered a hurricane when it hit where we were, so it’s nothing to brag about I guess. I basically sat around, grilled some good food, worked on my tan, etc. It was a much needed break from the daily grind at you-know-where. This admin tool I speak of doesn’t mean much to you yet, but the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can start working on the part you see. I’m hoping that all my errors and bad coding practices will be fixed for the most part by the time I get to that part. It’s coming along nicely though. If anyone wants to figure out why transparent PNG’s aren’t quite so, how you say: ‘transparent’ (I’ve googled, read articles, tried scripts and filters, just so you know), get in touch with me. It’s not on my priority list right now, but Willow whines about it from time to time. I fixed the little problem with the rants section of Our Two Cents. You may or may not have noticed that it pretty much always said "We’ve been thoughtless lately" (and we have) but that’s just my eye-pleasing error message for the public. Anyway, it’s fixed now. That particular table got corrupted somehow. I think everything is in tact. Willow instructed me to post a link to something, but I can’t remember exactly what it was (I think it’s in the galleries somewhere) and I don’t feel like waiting on dial-up to look through a bunch of pictures. If you are at work and bored (paging Colin) feel free to snoop around yourselves.