Tidbits of hawaiian wisdom

by Wheeldle
Aug 12, 2004

Time for yet another update from our lovely senior semi-foreign correspondent Wheedle. Cool.

hello duelingmonkey fans. its time for another hawaiian update: life is good. work is stready, and the money is barely rolling in. ive gotten a few numbers from people and phone numbers from guys on the boats, cause – well … they have their heads on strait! i’ve even managed to score a 20 dollar personal tip outside the group tip jar. people love the wheedle (must be all that damn good flirting). i even managed to peer pressure a friend into kissing me not 2.5 hours ago. yeah – its the hawaiian in me. i have a few driving tips for everyone. ready? NEVER RIDE YOUR BRAKES DOWN A VOLCANO! you heard me. as i was coasting down Maui’s dormant volcano, haleakela, and lost my brakes from riding them too much. oh yeah – and my emergency brake doesnt work on my wonderful Mercedes sport car … wait, thats not me. Another driving tip: if you follow the good looking hawaiian’s and tourists on the side of the road with your eyes, then your car will follow. My roommate has made it her job to constantly remind me of my poor driving skills here in Hawaii. Tip number 3: never hit park cars, UNLESS they are massive pickup trucks and your tiny little camry wont make a dent in their 5 ft diameter tires. Final tip: dont run over parking lot medians. Well there you have it – i guess i could use a little practice in the driving dept. I’ll call the BMW driving school right away. I wonder if i need to bring my own beamer? Concert last night: Jack Johnson. Very very good. Night before that: Friend’s 21st b-day. I was the DD. Take a few guesses what i ended up doing at the end of the night? Dropping my passengers off at the final bar of the evening and leaving them there to call me when they need me. You might think – that is aweful unresponsible to leave 2 VERY VERY drunk people to their own accord while you frollick on the beach. Well, i might respond, they were getting on my #$%*&% nerves. Backseat driving, poking, beer pounding, and touching too much. I later find out my roommate had to be escorted out of the bar and our other comrade was pushed to the curb by bouncers and had his hair yanked (i say yanked, because in reality this sounds like a girly fight "i got pushed on the ground and they pulled my hair" so i have to spice up his story just a little for you guys). Needless to say, i felt a little guilty for not being there. And now i have to pay for my mistakes and hear the story get told at least 5 times a day – to people who have already heard it – a lot – and a lot – and a lot. In an attempt to be astronomical, we tried to watch the Perseid meteor shower tonight and only saw 3 meteors. I may wake up at 2am this morning to see if they get better. Well, that’s all for now folks. I guess its not really ALL. I mean, i DO live in Hawaii after all. There are constant adventures. Scuba, snorkel, manta rays, turtles, dolphins, etc. So is life here in paradise. Aloooooohaaaaa!