
by Jody
Aug 24, 2004

You see that face? Look at it. Look at it long and hard. OK stop looking weirdo.

That’s the face of dissapointment. School has started once again (for two of us at least) and this semester looks like it may be my most time consuming yet. I have 15 hours, which isn’t bad until I’m told that at some point before December 3rd, I have to spend at least 30 hours observing in a high school classroom. This means, that after I struggle to get out of bed and make it to my early classes where I am a student, I have to spend half an hour getting to my car, another half hour getting to some school and then observe some punks. I really don’t have time for this, especially since I’m not going to be a teacher, but I guess it will be a fun experience. Thats what I’m going to tell myself anyway. On top of school, I still have work of course, and so far this week I’ve logged 9 hours in 2 days. I know to some of you 9-5ers thats half a days work each day, but I’m on the go from 8 am to 10:30 pm all day. Monday’s and Wednesday’s are awful. This means, that my webpage developing goodness is going to once again be put on hold. I really wanted to have the new site working by our two year anniversary (and if Willow would start on the new design it would help) but I don’t see that happening. Maybe instead we’ll actually have some meaningful content in our news post. Whenever I do get to finish, I promise it will be pretty. And you will have the option to register. It’s not required to make news comments or message board posts, but if you do, you can do some cool stuff. Have your own icon(s) (you have to provide it, we’ll just host it), edit posts, contribute to the cooking section and possibly a ‘Guest Articles’ section, and possibly more. A lot of the code required for this is already written. In fact, I’m using the News Post editor right now, instead of phpMyAdmin. Unfortunately, writing "Dueling Monkeys Gallery 2.0" will take some time (not much of it though, if strpos() will start working) and restructuring the message board will take longer. I may ask for some help/tips from some of you more experienced folks. I hope I can still work on this stuff on the weekends, but the next two are already booked, and the semester is just getting started. So it doesn’t look too good. In other news, there is a thread in the Message Board about getting me an IPOD, but wait until I reply again before you register. I’m still waiting on a confirmation email and I want to make sure it actually works. Also in other news, don’t see the new Exorcist movie. I wasn’t expecting even a single thumb up, but this one was bad. It was only scary because it made you jump, it was gross, the plot sucked, the acting sucked, it was very random, there were characters in the movie that didn’t need to be there, it was 2 hours long and only needed to be 90 minutes, and most of all, it was a waste of $12 (me and the girl matinee style). More movie news: In case you haven’t noticed, I wrote an article on Bulletproof Monk a week or so ago. I hope you like it (the article, not the movie). There is also other news that is very good, but I’ll let someone else talk about that. BYE!