The big news at last.

by Mike Daly
Sep 9, 2004

As some of you may have noticed, the time I devote to our precious little website here has recently suffered from an acute drop-off. This time, I really have an excuse, and it’s really valid.

I’m sorry that I haven’t told everyone about this until now, but I wanted to make it a suprise announcement to everyone at once, but never got around to it because I’ve been so busy. Anyway, enough delay; time for my announcement. As of Monday, August 30th, I have become an employee of Numeric Designs Ltd! I am now an official "3D Graphics Software Engineer". In other words, I professionally program a graphics engine for games. This is exactly what I’ve always wanted to do, and what I’ve focused my past 4 years of college study towards. I’ve finally got the job! I have a really nice setup, all of the guys I work with are really cool, the workplace is pretty flexible and casual, I get all the snacks and drinks I want, and the work itself is exciting and challenging. Although I don’t have to, I’ve worked about 50 hours a week for the past two weeks. I’d like to get on my feet working with their engine as soon as possible, so I’ve been putting in a lot of extra time. The downside of all of this is that I have suddenly found myself with absolutely no free time. I’m struggling to keep up with the few hobbies I manage to squeeze into my weeks. I don’t know how much you’ll be hearing from me via dueling monkeys for a while; probably not too much. Anyway, I’ll try to keep in touch. Perhaps I’ll try to drop a line in the messageboard every once in a while when I don’t have time to write a proper update. Right before I started work I managed to finish up one last art project. I had wanted to make a rock-climbing themed poster for my room, but in the end I don’t think it’s good enough to be worth the hassle of printing. I threw it up in the art gallery, you may view it here:Ascent poster. There is a hard to read poem on the walls, for the poster resolution, they are easy to read, but it’s not too easy from the web version. Oh well, if you really care what it says, post a thread on the messageboard and I’ll tell you. Well, that’s all the time for updating I have. See you all later!