The grind

by Mike Daly
Dec 7, 2004

I’ve been working furiously to be a furious worker at work these days. I’m learning lots of cool stuff. One of the coolest things I worked on recently was writing some pixel and vertex shaders. For those of you who don’t know, pixel and vertex shaders are micro programs that are executed entirely on the graphics card. The shader programs process a single vertex or pixel, and get executed over and over for each pixel and vertex in the scene.

At this point, I’d like to say that I know nobody probably cares about this, but it’s been a while since my last update, so I’d like to put something else up, and I haven’t been doing anything else interesting. So tough it and enjoy your shader lecture. So I wanted to put together a shader that looked like a transparent ghost. This can be done without shaders, but the problem is that parts of the geometry that should be obscured aren’t. For example, if you are looking at someone standing sideways, you could see his far armpit through his transparent body, or the inside of his mouth which looks like crap. With mine, that’s not a problem. Enough blaber, here’s a screenshot: Spectral Glow with Alpha Ok, so maybe that was kind of an anticlimax. Deal with it. I was looking around the galleries today, and I noticed that some nice person thumbnailed and galleried all of the costume party pictures. You have probably already seen them, but I’ll point it out anyway: Costume Party Gallery And here is my personal favorite: You tell ’em, Amber I have a recent top-secret project I’m working on that I should be done with in about a week, so tune in later to check that out. Other than that, I got nothing. Oh yeah, I almost forgot random link. Can’t forget that.