Short month, short news

by Jody
Feb 10, 2007

February is the short month, so it’s only fair that the news update be short too, right? Ok, ok, I know that is a lame excuse.

It’s hard to believe that we’re already a month and a half into 2007, but if you sit still long enough to think about it, it’ll be Summer already! Come to think of it, I might actually do that. I’m not too fond of cold weather unless it’s snowing. And I hardly consider those flurries last month worth the cold. I do enjoy long sleeve shirts and my hooded sweatshirt and the cool nights in my warm bed, but I enjoy the beach a lot more.

I know it has been out for a while (since last year’s Superbowl I think), but I got a free Gillette Fusion razor in the mail the other day. You know, "The power of 5,000 blades, the precision of 1." Before I go any further, how about a little history lesson…

I have tried a lot of razors in the past. When I first started shaving my face would break out every time, especially my neck. I finally got used to an electric razor but my neck still looked like a 13 year old’s forehead every time I shaved for a long time. It hasn’t been that bad in a long time, and until I started growing a beard back in October I have continued using an electric razor. Since then, the need for a razor has not been so much, so I got a beard trimmer (very good investment). Unless you are going for the mountain man look, you still gotta trim up the neck with a razor, so I’ve been using the tried and true manual method for that. I still have to be careful though because if I wait a few days and it gets too long, my face will look like I shaved with 80 grit sandpaper.

Anyway, I tried this new Fusion thingy and it worked pretty well. No irritation, even when shaving against the grain, and my neck is very smooth now. I’m sure the refils cost a ton, but I think I will buy these in the future.

Alrighty, that’s it for my shaving story. I have some photos for that party all you guys missed, but there aren’t many (I forgot to take them, I’m not really sure who took the few we have). Check out my picasa album (yes I’m too lazy to upload them here)