Happy New Years and stuff

by Mike Daly
Jan 9, 2010


So I took a nice vacation in Hawaii with the family. I’ve been there a few times already, so this time I focused on relaxing. I did get a decent amount of reading done. You may also find the following books interesting:

New years

Jody hosted a nice new years party at his house. It was good to catch up with people, particularly Stephen and Leanna Caudle who just had a newborn baby. Everyone seems to be having babies these days, what’s up with that?

Video games

I’ve been talking to a few people about what games I enjoyed playing over the course of 2009. I’ll reiterate them here in case you are looking out for something new to play.

Also, I’d like to point out that I had an awesome year as far as making video games. Sure, I failed at my original goal of submitting another IGF entry, but on the other hand, these are the games I made:

Ok, so Karma Riot isn’t done yet and it doesn’t have its own page, so maybe it doesn’t count. But still, that’s a pretty impressive run, I think. That’s not even including other Game Jam games that I contributed to such as Space Fish, Robot Love, and Tether. 2009 was a good year for me with regards to hobby game development. Hopefully in the coming year, I’ll actually distribute one of the games I worked on for once.

I still assert that I’m going to have an exciting post about Karma Riot soon, but I’m still not quite there yet, so I’ll put it off once again. Happy new years people.