Beautiful Pixels

Mike Daly, Vince Scheib, Nolan Walker, Andy Jones, Jody Mickey

The concept of Beautiful Pixels was to make a simple framework that has two extension points: a visualizer module and a game logic module. Both the game logic and the visualizer only have access to a common object that basically just holds a grid of integers, and a palette. The Game Logic has no way of displaying anything other than by changing the entries in the grid/palette and the visualizer has no idea what is going on in the game logic – it just reads from the grid and renders it however it chooses.

There are a couple of aspects of this that are pretty neat:

The name of the project comes from the idea that each grid entry basically represents a pixel on a relatively low-resolution grid. Instead of having a game made up of millions of tiny pixels, we want to make games made up of hundreds of large beautiful pixels. Some game concepts that map well to the framework would be things like old Atari games that were forced to be horribly low resolution, or board games that are based off of a grid (tic tac toe, checkers, etc).

The goal of the framework is to have a platform that makes creating games super fast and easy. You could easily implement a functional game in less than a day. I would like to think that other people might be motivated to contribute their own game and/or visualizer modules. I’d like to have something fun for myself to work on as well as have something to encourage other people to try making games on their own so they can realize how much fun it can be.

The concept behind Beautiful Pixels was Vince’s idea. He came up with it when we were brainstorming possible themes for Triangle Game Jam 2008. The group of organizers ended up voting against it, but it still ended up being a fun project to work on. A lot of friends ended up contributing modules to it too. My favorite part was Nolan’s game ‘Platformer’ where you play a character that is only 2 pixels that can run, jump, double jump, wall slide, wall kick, and die a horrible death.

Out of the game logics that I put into it, I decided to pull Connexus out into its own game. I’ve also re-used some of the effects and UI code in other projects, so it ended up being very useful.
