Roasted Corn

by Jody


  • (6) Ears of Yellow Corn
  • Small jar of minced garlic
  • 1/2 stick butter


  1. Shuck the corn and remove any bad places.
  2. Place the corn in some aluminum foil, with a slice or two of butter and a small spoonful of minced garlic (spread these somewhat evenly)
  3. Wrap up in foil and grill for about 15-20 minutes, rotating every 5 minutes or so


Okay, so corn on the cob isn’t exactly rocket science, but this is a different way of cooking it and the garlic gives it a good kick, but not too strong. I think I like this corn better than boiling it. I’d imagine that Silverqueen corn would be just as good or better, but Yellow corn is more readily available at the grocery store.