Drawing contest

by Mike Daly
Aug 21, 2005

So today I skipped out on movie night with Stephen and Leanna because I was going to be way late anyway. Because of this, I found myself with a whole hour of free time before I had to go to bed (being a grown-up sucks). I start to sketch a little in photoshop with my cool-daddy tablet. Wayne walks in to my room (undoubtedly to bitch and moan about something totally redundant) and is struck with two brilliant ideas. Following is the chronicle of these two ideas – their rise to glory and their fall from grace.

1) Tell me to make an update – I haven’t updated in so long that I knew I had to agree. It was not until after I agreed that I actually thought about the logistics of such a plan – I wouldn’t even be able to get started until after midnight, especially if I wanted to finish a sketch worth posting. Once you figure up content, writing, and wrestling with the int-whore-net to get all this in place, my bedtime would be passed by an unhealthy margin. 2) Play with my tablet – Wayne’s resulting work of art speaks for itself. Although you are just going to have to use your imagination for reasons I will soon divulge. I’ll just say that he had to put extra effort into the piece to (badly) hide the phallic imagery that his freudian instincts made him draw. Ok, now for the funny part. I draw my picture and format it for the web then format his "picture" for the web then go to connect and find out that I have no idea how to use this freaking webpage anymore. Apparently, during all the behind-the-curtains improvements that he’s been doing that don’t involve fixing the galleries he put some sort of security on the ftp site or moved it or something. Now he’s gone to bed and I just stayed up late and you all are sitting at your desks at work with no pictures to look at. Stupid internet. Oh well, I guess you’ll just have to settle for some random links from my bookmarks, as usual. If you are interested in D&D or Magic, you will probably recognize the art of Todd Lockwood and James Ryman. So great.