by Jody
Sep 27, 2005

I was just reading Drew’s Blog and noticed that he had not updated in over 2 months. I thought to myself, "Wow, it would suck to have a month not show up in the archives of Dueling Monkeys because there were no posts." So I browsed on over to this website and noticed that it had indeed been over a month since we’ve updated! Today is the 28th! There are less than 2 days left before this anomaly comes true!


Even if it is a linkless, pointless, everything-less glob (yes glob, not blog… i will not conform) of text, we will have an entry into the records for all to see long after the apocalypse has ended all forms of written communication.

So what do I give the keepers of time to record into the books? These proverbs that I have learned over the past week:
  • Old people can still have fun.
  • Coal gives off a lot of crap when burned.
  • Summer colds suck. Hard.
  • If you feel a cold coming on, do not proceed to drinking alcohol.
  • If you fail to recognize the previous proverb, do not take Nyquil.
  • Telivisions should be set at eye level, or at least higher than the top of the bed.
  • Cats are very good company when you are sick at home all by yourself.
You will not defy me, evil turmoils of time!