It's been a while

by Jody
May 20, 2006

I’ve neglected the front page for a while now. As always, the message board has kept us afloat. We appreciate it. I did fix the webstat pages and they are available here. I wish we had those from long ago. :(

I’m not making excuses, but here’s what I’ve been up to lately. I still work two jobs, and though I definetely don’t mind the extra cash or the work, it’s getting old and my right eye has been twitching for about 3 weeks now. I don’t get enough sleep and I don’t get to do what I want to do as much as I want to do it. I’ve been playing pool in a league on Tuesday’s for a pretty good while. I still suck, but I enjoy it and while it’s something I don’t mind spending money on, I wish it was cheaper. I would love to tell you more of what I have been up to, but it’s after midnight and I just remember that I have a meeting at 8:00 tommorow, so I better get ready for bed. Willow and I would like to have a cookout sometime soon, but we’re not sure when it can happen yet. We’ll make a post when we have a date, and we’ll try to give you at least a full week’s notice. In the meantime, if you already know of a weekend you can’t make, drop us a line so we can cross it off the list. Now I give you, "Grocery Cart / Pyramid Guy!"