the China connection

by Wesley
May 13, 2006

well here i am, writing you all another awesome update on DM, except this one is even awesomeerer because it is coming from CHINA! yup, thats right, Willow was not kidding when he said i moved to china. thats right, MOVED to china… to get MARRIED. I’ve been here a month now, settled in pretty well. not married yet, but i’m taking some language classes and trying to get a job. in between all that i’m having lots of fun being a househusband… NOT! i have made it my No. 1 priority to get a job asap so that i can hire a maid and NEVER DO DISHES AGAIN! or laundry, or sweep the floor, or clean the bathroom… or wipe the kitchen… or…

so, i got food poisoning the first week i was here which was two of the worst days of my life. in general the food is pretty good though. there is a lot of good chinese food, there is a lot of mediocre chinese food and also some very BAD (i’m talkin skull and crossbones bad) chinese food. the fact that half of the dishes they serve still has the bones in it is not so bad once you get used to everyone just spitting the bones onto the table. the flavor is usually fine, its just super annoying to eat. the worst thing i’ve eaten is "stinky tofu". that is the literal name for it in chinese. can you guess why it is called stinky tofu? thats right, because it smells worse than a dirty diaper. me, being the daring and adventurous fellow that i am, thought i’d just give it a try (they told me "smells bad, but taste is good!"). can you guess what it taste like? you guessed it, it taste the way a dirty diaper smells, except worse. WTF MATE?!?! it was all i could do to keep from ralphing all over the table in front of my girlfriends co-workers and boss. so if you come visit china, try everything EXCEPT the stinky tofu! one other fun food story, i went on a trip with my gf’s work group this weekend and one of the places we stopped to eat was this kind of outdoor fish market. they had all these live sea creatures in styrofoam boxes in front of their "kitchen" and you pointed to what you wanted and they killed it and cooked it. can you guess how they kill the fish (and octopuss)? they hold it up above their head and they throw it down onto the concrete really hard! of course. then they wash it using a garden hose, and put it in a pot of boiling water. all of their kitchenware looked like military surplus… from the communist revolution in ‘49. i didn’t eat there… i went to KFC instead. so anyway, i’m having quite an adventure over here. the food is just a small fraction of the exciting things i have to deal with everyday. if you are interested in hearing more stories about my awesome life of adventure you can check out my WEBLOG where i periodically post updates. and now for your RLD: Stewie and his women.