So close, yet ...

by Mike Daly
Nov 25, 2002

I drew comics to accompany each of the reflections, but have not gotten around to getting them on the computer yet. Although they are written, it may be a while judging from my past performance procrastinating. I have had a new drawing done ready to be colored and sent to the gallery for months, and I haven’t touched it.

I guess this post wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t make a pathetic stab at an excuse. Really, I have been numbingly busy with school recently. Software Engineering most of all, it is my nemisis. In addition to that, I picked back up on the misguided notion that I could produce a physics demo for my game engine by christmas and spent some time doing that. Where does all my time go, I don’t even get to waste it on video games anymore. I haven’t played mechassault in too long.