Wayne's Wednesdays

by Jody
Jun 16, 2003

We’ve decided to evenly divide the updating, so I’ve picked up Wednesdays and Willow will keep Mondays and Fridays. He’s got lots of stuff he’s working on, so he should have plenty of stuff to post on those days. I should be able to come up with something for a good read on hump days, so I hope this move will improve the site. If it doesn’t, please fill out the Wayne removal form and state a valid reason.

In other news, I went to the beach this weekend and got on this weird sleeping habit where I go to bed before midnight and get up before 9 AM. I know its hard to fathom, but trust me, you can do it. Unfortunately I still love to sleep and do so in the afternoons, so last night/today I slept for like 14 hours. This isn’t good for site improvment, but I’m sure I’ll get back in the habit of staying up late, when the best work gets done. I’m going back to the beach this weekend though to get some fishing in, so it might be a while. For now, read this reivew on Metal Slug and then you can email me asking how you can play it yourself. Discuss its greatness on the message board and speaking of that, thanks a bunch for starting to use it. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So long friends, see you next week