Broken Promises

by Mike Daly
Jun 19, 2003

You know what? From now on, I should just never say I’m going to do anything. No matter how easy and sure it seems that I’ll be able to do something, I should never tell anyone that I can do it. Why? Because of fate.

Fate hates me, you see. It twists the tapestry of my life until a once-clear day of work becomes infinitely muddled and busy. This is the case with today, the day I was so certain I could get a lot of modeling work done, i actually don’t get any work done and get all stressed out not doing it. Anyway, fortune has smiled upon me and given me something to post (other than meaningless whines). Wayne and I were downloading pictures off of my camera and noticed two gems which should not go without publication. If you were wondering what Central Park Ski Willow looks like, let your curiosity be satisfied. Additionally, you can also observe Talking on the phone with a motorcycle helmet with hands down his pants Willow. Had enough? I thought so. But I will post more just to make sure I can’t possibly have anything to post on monday. I converted another piece of music to mp3 format. This one is actually the worst I’ve done and I wasn’t even going to post it. But as the barrels have run dry, I’m going to do it anyway. Check out Opus 27 (great title, huh?). And just for the record, I do not promise to post any new content by or on monday. I don’t know what the post will be about, but I’m not going to say it will be about content I’ve created.