Bedtime Stories.... Shiznizzle

by Wastrel
Feb 11, 2004

Once again, it is the wee hours of the morning and one of us poor souls must do the update. As I happened to notice there were several pictures up in the Wastrel gallery, but without icons and therefore remained hidden, it is bequeathed unto me to deliver this update. And to Willow’s request it shall be done in the entertaining fashion of a little Story. Here goes:

Once upon a time in a land far far away, there lived a zealot. The god-fearing zealot lived but a stone’s throw away from the evil 13th# no less). At the site of gokamehan in his shiny suit# the villagers ran, and thus gokamehan’s wrath ensued. It was great, and awesome#. Only our zealot# survived, and a great chase# ensued as he ran from gokamehan’s wrath. For gokamehan was no gentle man, once angered he showed his greatness#, and thus he released a Kamehameha# after our zealot#. Racing through the village the great ball burned# everything it touched in its path, leaving an unbearable sight# and an eerie glow#. The flame cast down our unfortunate zealot#, who died in agony#, and so Gokamehan# felt momentarily appeased.
The following morning, with the fire quenched#, Gokamehan realized what he had done. He was left all alone. Gokamehan wept!# All he ever wanted was a hug#, and instead he found fear and distrust.

So what is the moral of the story my friends? The next time you see a freak on the streets give him/her a hug, you never know if it’ll make their day and keep them from killing someone.
And if they say "What the *expletive DELETED; you merely reply "oh my gosh, I Am So sorry I thought you were "insert name", you look just like him/her," while you slyly steal there wallet and walk off.
This way it’s a win win situation.
And so I leave you with a goodnight kiss#.

Sweet dreams my friends