A tribute to the artists

by Mike Daly
Feb 15, 2004

So, I usually don’t have too much trouble coming up with some topic to blabber mindlessly about on these here news posts, but this time nothing is really coming to mind. Natrually when this happens, I post a link so some other site where the probably have a section where they make news posts identical to mine.

But first, I’m going to point out some things I’ve been working on recently. I am working on a samurai character model for UT 2k4 (the demo came out a few days ago for those who don’t know how to use teh intarnet). It’s coming along well, but has a boatload more work to do before it’s ready. One night, I was feeling particularly artistic, so I made not one but TWO paintings with my tablet. I’m debating whether to call them drawings, paintings, or just pictures. None of them really seem to capture the idea. Oh yeah, so here they are. Isn’t young me cute? Ok, since I don’t feel that is enough to make a complete post, I’m going to give you a few links. However, instead of being just random silliness, I’m going to post some of my favorite art sites that I have bookmarked. These guys and girls simultaneously inspire me and depress me (because they are SO much better than I am), and anyone should be able to appreciate the quality of their artwork independant of your artistic inclinations. Right, here we go: DrainBamage Moonlight Whispers Artplaymix Eatpoo Estrigous Francis Manapul Hyung Taekim Studio Qube Aspylus Well, that’s really just a few of them, but those sites alone can keep an art enthusiast drooling for days. Plus, the great thing about artist’s sites is that they have links section to their personal favorite art, which is usually pretty good. Perfect for "surfing" (I’m so 90’s style). Enjoy them. I’m out.