I'm back from my 7 month sabbatical

by Jody
Jan 30, 2008

Wow, I haven’t posted since the end of June! That must be a new record. I could tell you all about my new house, but most of you have been here and if you haven’t then you should come over sometime. And if you have then its been a long time and you should come over again. Anyway, owning a house is great, even when the value of it drops every day due to the housing market bomb. There are things I’d like to do like tile the bathroom floors and put in a pocket door and tile the kitchen backsplash, but all that crap takes time and money and its much easier to sit here on the couch and tell you guys that I want to do it than to actually do it.

I have noticed that a few people who used to post do not post so much anymore. If you don’t want to post, I understand. I don’t really want to post that often either. But if you do want to post but can’t because I made the login thing, send me an email. I’m not trying to block anyone out, just block out all the ridiculous spam. Man, even if I were a weirdo and really bored I wouldn’t want to look at that crap.

Well, despite that fact that its been 7 months, I guess I just don’t have much going on to talk about so I’ll return to hibernation and see you guys in the Spring.