Skiing and stuff

by Mike Daly
Jan 15, 2011

Looks like I missed updating for the month of December. Sorry! Here are some exciting updates:

Paul and I have decided to work on Pinin Rodizo for another phase, so hopefully in the next few months you can play a version with AI, network play, better gameplay, and better graphics.


Just recently I went snow skiing for the first time. Amanda invited me out with her family to Breckenridge Colorado. I’m really glad I got to try it for three days – it got a lot more fun with each passing day so by the end of the third day it was really thrilling to go fast, unlike the first day where it was terrorizing to go faster than very slow. The mountains were really nice too. I look forward to the next time I get to go.

That’s me and Amanda, chillin on the mountain.

As far as the rest of life goes, I’m all moved in here in Texas now. My apartment is pretty nice. I’m not being as social as I probably should. Here’s what I’ve been playing lately:

Finally, here’s a picture of Amanda and I hanging out:

Look out behind you!

Oh yeah, and Happy Holidays and New Years and all that stuff.