Word of the day: Rube Goldberg

by Mike Daly
May 5, 2006

For those of you who don’t know already, my brother has finally moved to Shanghai China to be married. That is a pretty exciting event; far more exciting than anything I can report on from my life. However, I’m going to bore you all by reporting on my life anyway; sorry. So last time I posted (man, that was a long time ago, wasn’t it?) I said that we were almost done with the big push at work. Well, I was wrong and we still aren’t done now almost a month and a half later. In theory, we will be shipping Gamebyro 2.2 very soon, but that is a statement I could have made for the past month, so take it for what it’s worth. Testing and documentation is probably the least enjoyable part of my job, and it is what I’ve been doing for the past month or so. At least the new office is pretty nice. I’ve got a lot more desk space and it is easier to keep the place clean. When not working, I’ve been doing some fun stuff. I’ve been enjoying Oblivion on my new big TV. When I don’t have enough contiguous time to play Oblivion, I play Mutant Storm and Geometry Wars. Wayne and I are now ranked in the top 100 co-op tally mode players on all of Xbox Live. They are apparently working on a sequel to Mutant Storm, which I’m excited about. The weather is nice enough for Volleyball now, so I’ve been doing that recently. One of my co-workers and I go climbing every once in a while as well, which is great. I also still like to drink and catch stuff on fire. My most recent victim was an easter peep. In not-so-good news, I have to replace the roof on my house. Not only does it have a leak, but the shingles have hit their lifespan anyway. Fortunately, I do live in a family of construction workers, so hopefully we’ll be able to knock it out ourselves pretty quickly and affordably. I’ve been doing a wee bit of drawing and modeling recently, but I don’t have anything I can show off. One creative thing I can show off, however, is the new recipe I invented this week! I am happy to present Fried Noodles – mmm. To wrap up this little post, I will say this: watching rube goldberg machines is fun and all, but to really get the most out of it, you need crazy japanese-built machines that have little jingles to accompany them, and comes complete with a rube-goldberg theme song and dance half way through. Enjoy.